Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The proper way to prime yourself before a soccer match.

 Soccer is a very interesting game to play, but one must always be reminded of the essential things that professional soccer players take to heart to prime themselves properly before a match. Alexander Sabadash shares his thoughts on this in today’s blog. 

Eating habits 

You must remember that soccer is one of the sports that is known to make use of all muscle groups in the body. Soccer demands a lot of energy from you. Prior to a match, get your fill of protein so that your muscles are able to do the work, and also make sure to get carbohydrates which will turn into sugar that your body needs to burn. For this reason, avoid additional sweets and sodas before game day. Instead, snack on fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating nuts is also highly encouraged. 

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Sleep is the most often ignored element of preparation before a match. Soccer is a game of reflexes and wits. You need to stay focused throughout the game. A good night’s sleep before game day will do well for you. Alexander Sabadash says that if you are able to get some undisturbed sleep for 8 hours, your body’s fluid consumption will be regulated. When a person does not have enough sleep, he tends to be dehydrated easily. 

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Stretching exercises must be done with the proper discipline before a match. In fact, some pros do conscious stretching a full day prior. Stretching ensures that your muscles are not going to be shocked with any sudden movement or contraction that you have to make during a game. Stretching also initiates good blood circulation so that oxygen is delivered commensurately to all parts of your body, adds Alexander Sabadash.